Sunday 18 December 2011

This is not a test

Ok, so my grammar is terrible.

And I start lots of sentences with and.

And I start new paragraphs where I shouldn't, and I don't start them where I should.

And I like to boldly go where lots of people have gone before, ie into the world of the split infinitive.

And I like to use aswell all as one word, whereas my teacher said it should be two.

And I don't really understand how to use colons and semi-colons.

And I like to make words up, like maroons to identify some people who've been marooned somewhere.

And I'm always saying things like who've instead of who have, because I write more like I talk, rather than writing like I write.

But I don't care.  I'm not trying to pass an exam.  I'm trying to say things that I want to say.  I might infuriate the likes of Lynne Truss, but it's my party, and I can leave the cake out in the rain if I want to.

New words are getting accepted into the dictionary all the time.  If prairie-dogging and blamestorming and bling and chav and well phat and lol and lmao are good enough for the Oxford English Dictionary, then I will continue to massacre the English language.  Yes, in the name of blog, I will.

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