Friday 23 December 2011

I give up! - The TV's so small I can't even see it

Recently I have managed to cut down my TV watching by exchanging the big telly for a medium sized one, and sitting further away from it.  So far so good.

Then Michael came home from Uni, and he took the medium sized telly up to his bedroom, and he left me with a portable telly.  I could barely see the actual TV anymore, never mind make out anything that was happening on it, so that reduced my viewing pleasure even further.  As a result I've been putting the radio on even more, because I don't need to see Stuart Maconie to know what's going on in his show. 

And by putting the radio on, I got to hear a brilliant interview with Johnny Marr.  I usually think musicians are pretty boring to listen to, but he was anything but.

Trying to see the telly has become so bloody hopeless that I took the TV and the TV stand away, and stuck a Christmas tree there instead of both of them.  And now Michael has commandeered the big telly that's attached to the DVD player, so I haven't got a hope of watching anything on TV these days.

The funny thing is, I am not really missing it.  And I am getting more done. 

So my life at the moment is, evolutionally speaking, going into reverse.  I am regressing from a coach potato into a walking talking homo sapien.  Today I even managed to master the fundamentals of basic tool use.

Hooray for no TV. 

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